Oklahoma City Zone

The LWML Oklahoma City Zone is made up of groups from Ardmore (Trinity), Bethany (Our Savior), Edmond (Holy Trinity, St. Mark), Midwest City (Good Shepherd), Moore (St. John's), Mustang (Christ), Norman (Trinity), Oklahoma City (Cristo Rey, Immanuel, Messiah, Zion), Shawnee (Redeemer), and Wellston (St. Paul).  For more information about the Oklahoma City Zone, contact:

Elizabeth Amendt

 Trinity Lutheran Church, Norman

Oklahoma City Zone President

Read about the Fall Fest 2022 and View Photos

Oklahoma City Zone Quarterly Reports

News Photo Album from the Oklahoma City Zone

Oklahoma City Zone Bylaws


Delia Collard and Darlene Quinnett (center) received the LWML certificate of membership for the Ladies of Redeemer group of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Shawnee at the OKC Zone Fall Fest from President Pam Wiederkehr (right) and Karen Karner, OKC Zone President (left). They were officially added as a new group in Feb 2023.