The Christian Life team promotes, provides and encourages Bible study at all District LWML activities, to include meetings, retreats, and zone events. They seek to reaffirm spiritual growth of God’s people, equip individual women for greater service in God’s Kingdom, assist and encourage LCMS women to recognize their service potential and motivate women to grow in faith and in service to the Lord.
Christian Life Team
Joyce Von Dielingen
Arlene Riemer
Reverend James Bozarth
2025 Prayer Service
Blessed are They …

The 2025 Prayer Service is based on the Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5:1–12.
The Beatitudes are some of the most beloved words of Jesus. In them, Jesus highlights people in various situations of life, situations that are not always easy to endure — or even envision — as a child of God. Yet, our Lord calls the people in each condition “blessed” and assures each of them of their place in the kingdom of heaven. As you hear the precious Beatitudes from our Lord and pray for people in the various stages of life, may you indeed be blessed and encouraged in your life of faith. May your mind be drawn to the work of Christ, His life, and His death and resurrection which bless you each day until He brings you home to the kingdom of heaven forever.
Click here for the link to the Prayer Service:
Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025 Planner
Equipping Saints to Serve is the planner for 2023–2025. This planning resource includes over 50 devotions, Bible studies, and sketches to encourage your faith. This two year planner replaces the previous title, Faith Building Help for Groups.
Free Long/Multi-Session Bible Studies Available
for Use with your LWML Groups
The LWML website offers a variety of FREE multi-session Bible studies to download. Select Bible studies are also available to read online, listen online, or watch online.
Click here to discover Bible Studies available for your use:
Read Through the Bible in One Year
All Spiritual Growth Resources from LWML