Panhandle Zone

The LWML Panhandle Zone is made up of groups from Boise City (Hope), Buffalo (Zion), Guymon (Trinity), Hooker (St. John), Texhoma (St. Paul) and Woodward (Trinity).  For more information about the Panhandle Zone, contact:

Audrey House

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Texhoma

Panhandle Zone President


Panhandle Zone Quarterly Reports


Panhandle Zone, 2024 District Convention


Panhandle Fall Fest 2024


St. John’s Lamplighters host 2024 Panhandle Zone LWML Fall Fest

St. John’s Lutheran Lamplighters in Hooker, Okla. hosted the Sept. 28 Panhandle Zone Fall Fest, beginning with refreshments during registration. Sheila Blankenship offered the welcome and the opening devotion was led by Rev. Conrad Oehlert framed around the hymn, “God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It”. The offering collected for mites.

June Wadley of Trinity Lutheran Church led the Bible study, “Rejoice! God’s Own Child, I Gladly Say It!” and she presented prayer journals for everyone. The study was followed by a move to the fellowship hall for the mission speaker, Rev. Mark Wescoatt of The Lutheran Heritage Foundation. He told of how he got involved with LHF to obtain Luther’s Small Catechism in the Karen language for refuges in Guymon, Oklahoma. He thanked the LWML for  grant awards to help bring Lutheran documents to the nations. 

A lunch of pasta casseroles, salad, bread sticks and dessert was served before everyone moved back to the nave for the business meeting led by Kasey Meyer, Panhandle Zone President and District VP of Communications. She opened with a review of the District President’s report from Lori Steele and she then reviewed the schedule of Zone meetings through 2035 but that it might need to be changed since Elkhart, Kan. is now part of the Oklahoma Panhandle 


The credentials report reflected two LWML Members from Texhoma, six from Guymon, five from Hooker and one from Buffalo; three pastors including Tyler Arends, Conrad Oehlert and Mark Wescoatt; and one guest for a total of 18 people. The mite offering totaled $333.00.

June Wadley noted that the position of nominating committee member had been left off the ballot but that Jarie Coggins had agreed to remain in that position and members voted her into the position. Members voted and enjoyed singing camp songs while the ballots were counted. Kasey announced the newly-elected officers as Audrey House of Texhoma, president; Teresa Mueller of Guymon, vice-president; and Sheila Blankenship of Hooker, secretary/treasurer.

The new zone president will attend the national convention in Omaha next summer as our representative. Kasey went over the LWML resources listed in the program folder and the business session was closed in prayer.

Rev. Conrad Oehlert led the closing devotion complete with ingathering blessing for donations to be delivered to the Hope Pregnancy Center and Hooker Fights Hunger Food Pantry as well as the prayer of the day. 




Panhandle Fall Fest 2023

The LWML Oklahoma Panhandle Zone enjoyed fellowship together at Buffalo for the Fall Rally. The Mission Speaker was Myrene Johnson. Food and fellowship was uplifting. All left with a desire to serve as LWML women of God.
