The LWML Ponca City Zone is made up of groups from Blackwell (Trinity), Cushing (Redeemer), Guthrie (Zion), Newkirk (St. John's), Perry (Christ), Ponca City (First), and Stillwater (Zion). For more information about the Ponca City Zone, contact:
Deena Lorett
First Lutheran Church, Ponca City
Ponca City Zone President
Ponca City Zone Fall Fest 2023 Registration Form
First Lutheran Church in Ponca City is extremely excited to host the Ponca City Zone Fall Fest this year on October 7th from 8:30am to 12:30pm. We are continuing with the Chosen to Love and Serve theme and have a wonderful time of fellowship and worship planned. We will have reports from both the Zone and District Presidents, devotions led by Rev. Joel Heckmann, and a presentation by Rev. Bryan and Deaconess Keah Payne. The organization we have selected to support with the Gifts from the Heart offering is Northern Oklahoma Youth Services (NOYS) located in Ponca City. Registration for Fall Fest begins at 8 a.m. and lunch will be served following the adjournment at 12:30pm. We are looking forward to a great turn-out and hope many are able to attend.
Photos from the Ponca CIty Zone Fall Fest
Ponca City Quarterly Zone Reports
On September 12, 2023 Ponca City Zone ladies met at First Lutheran Church in Ponca City for an LWR packing party. With the help of several volunteers, they were able to pack 203 School Kits and 61 Baby Layette Kits. They are so very blessed to continue to support this mission because of the generous time and donations from the congregations and community.
Ponca City Zone 2023 LWR Gathering
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