2023 Fall Retreat
The LWML Oklahoma District used a new format this year for the 2023 Fall Retreat. It was a 1-day event, held at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Claremore, OK on Oct 21, 2023. Registration began at 9:30, the program ended at 4:00. The Bible Study was based on 1 Corinthians 13, “The Greatest of these is Love”. Paul reminds us in Corinthians that love is the greatest of virtues, and if we love, we will demonstrate it in patience, kindness, humility, forgiveness, and endurance. The retreat led participants through the many aspects of love as found in Scripture and show how we can reflect these aspects in our lives.
The retreat provided a chance to grow in God's Word, learn more of what love means and opportunities for fellowship, and much more, including skits, singing, a prayer walk, prayer partners, and the LWML store.
Gifts from the Heart were collected for the Amazing Grace Apartments, a project to help homeless individuals and families get established with housing and jobs. Numerous household items such as full-size sheet sets, blankets and quilts, towels and washcloths, travel-sized toiletries, dishes, dish soap, dish towels, paper towels, and kitchen items to include cleaning and food storage were collected.
2021 Fall Retreat
The ladies of LWML Oklahoma District attended the 2021 Fall Retreat, November 5-6, 2021 at Canyon Camp, Hinton, OK. The theme for the retreat was “God’s Quilt of Comfort: Wrapping up in the Psalms.” For this retreat babysitting was provided free of charge so our young mothers could join in the activities. We began our retreat with a campfire roast. The first 2 of 5 Bible studies were presented after a wonderful s’mores dessert and led by Peggy Grunow, VP of Christian Life. The first study focused on the Psalms being layers of information and meaning that help us through our life’s journey and point us always to Jesus, our Savior. In the second Bible study, we focused on pieces of God’s people's history presented in the Psalms. Time was given for several quilting activities: journaling, drawing, quilt tying, and just visiting. We ended the night with devotion and singing led by Pastor John Wackler. Saturday began with breakfast and the third Bible study led by Kasey Meyer, VP of Communication which focused on the Psalms being poetically beautiful and descriptive. Between each activity on Saturday a skit about how Prayer can get us through each storm in life we face was presented. The fourth Bible study led by Beverly Bahr, VP of Gospel Outreach, focused on how the Psalms are used in our Worship Service. Time was once again given for personal reflection, walking the camp, etc. Lunch was served. The fifth and last Bible study focused on Jesus being the thread that ties all of God’s Word together. Closing worship was led by Pastor John Wackler. Each and every woman was filled with God’s Word, uplifted and truly blessed.