
In a historic meeting at Zion Lutheran Church in Oklahoma City, women from six cities-Apache, Chickasha, Norman, Shawnee, Lawton and Oklahoma City-became the first Lutheran women to organize as the Lutheran Women's League (LWL) of Oklahoma in 1928. Their goal was to unite to further mission work, particularly in Oklahoma. Oklahoma has the distinction of organizing the first District of Lutheran Women's Missionary Leagues in the US.  In 1942 they became one of the 15 original charter members of the national Lutheran Women's Missionary League. Since that time Oklahoma LWML has grown to include women of more than 70 congregations in Oklahoma. 

On July 1, 1929 the League began to publish a quarterly called "The Bulletin".  It's theme was service: "We all wish to serve in the name of Jesus, to dedicate ourselves and our service to Him, so that whatever we do may redound to His honor and glory."  The Bulletin was later renamed The Voice of Service.

The LWL continued holding annual conventions around the state and growth and mission work continued at the local level.  The 15th annual convention of the LWM was held in Enid at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on October 11, 1942.  The convention text was "Fervent in Spirit, Serving the Lord".  Roll call: Broken Arrow (5), Blackwell (2), Chickasha (4), Cushing (4), Enid (42), Fairmont (16), Kingfisher (7), Lahoma (1), Muskogee (4), Norman (4), Orlando (5), Perry (10, Shawnee (5), Woodward (5), OKC: Grace (8), Immanuel (3), Zion (8).  The Constitution of the National LWML was read to the audience and the next resolution was "that the Lutheran Women's League of Oklahoma join the Lutheran Women's Missionary League". The resolution passed and the growth of missions in Oklahoma as the LWML continued.  

Week after week, LWML members across the state fed their Mite Boxes with contributions for missions and year after year mission projects were accomplished.   By 1980, the Oklahoma LWML funded mission projects totaled $11,000.  1980 Mission Projects were: Braille Center, Tulsa ($500), Student Aid in Oklahoma District ($4000), Good Samaritan Lutheran Home ($2000), Lutheran Outdoor Ministry ($2000), Project Phillip, Enid ($1000), Lutheran Social Service ($500), Oaks Indian Mission ($500) and Summer Lakeside Ministry ($500).  

By 1996, when the 44th LWML Oklahoma District Convention was held at First Lutheran, Ponca City, the Mission Projects total $30,000 and included funding for 14 projects, including Lutheran Prison Ministry ($1000), Hispanic Ministry Cristo Rey, OKC ($1500, Professional Church Workers ($6000) and District Ministerial Students ($6000).

In 2003, the LWML Oklahoma District along with the Mid-South District LWML hosted the national 30th Biennial LWML Convention in Oklahoma City at the Cox Convention Center.  Planning of this convention ushered in the Cartridge Recycling program that continues today.  The following year, the 48th Convention of the Oklahoma District LWML was hosted by the Lawton Zone in Duncan.  2004 Mission Projects selected at the convention totaled $42,000 with the largest funding going to Oklahoma District Ministerial Students ($7000) and Oklahoma Professional Church Workers Aid ($10,000).  Eighteen years later, the mission goal approved at the 2022 convention held in Edmond is just under three times that amount.   To learn about the 2022 - 2024 Biennium Mission Grants totaling $120,000, click here.

The LWML Oklahoma District continues to be a blessing to the many organizations including the Oklahoma District LCMS.  The dedication of the LWML to providing scholarships for both young men and women entering full-time church work since 1950 has helped many professional church workers to complete their educations and serve in Oklahoma and other locales.  The Outdoor Ministry program of the Oklahoma District LCMS has benefited greatly from LWML mission grants throughout the years and many Oklahoma churches have been the recipients of funds to support the work of their congregations.  Local LWML groups play an ongoing important role in their congregations, providing and helping support Christian Education and local, zone, state, national, and international mission efforts.