How to be a Young Woman Representative (YWR)
at the national convention
YWR Application Form for Omaha 2025
Application is due by December 2, 2024
More information on what a YWR is and does
The Young Women in Mission Team energizes and mentors younger women to connect and grow in relationships as sisters In Christ. This includes equipping and encouraging young women to become more involved in their congregation and the mission of the LWML. The team also facilitates the Young Woman Representative (YWR) program. A YWR is a young woman 18-35 years of age, a member of LCMS, who has not attended a National Convention as a YWR.
- has enthusiasm for the organization and a commitment to encourage other young women of the LWML.
- has the willingness to commit to the position for two years and is willing to travel to conventions and Board of Director meetings.
- will actively seek to be involved in all aspects of LWML.
At the 2024 LWML Oklahoma District Convention information on young women being mentored was highlighted.
Here is information for Mentees and for those who will Mentor:
LWML Oklahoma District Mentoring Program Power Point
Young Woman Mentee Application Form
Oklahoma LWML Mentor Application
Cookies for Courage Event 2023
The Oklahoma Young Women's group held an event titled, 'Cookies for
Courage" on 25 February 2023 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Shawnee
Oklahoma. In attendance were 9 children, 3 young women, 9 LWML members, and
3 helping staff totaling 24 participants. 216 Cookies were decorated and
packaged into 12 bags to be dispersed by each participant to first
responders, police and fire departments, across the state.
Two local polices officers from the Shawnee Police Department spoke on the
local community struggles and ways to support first responders. This
included providing blankets, can openers, shoes and socks directly to local
polices stations enabling officers to hand out these products to those in
need. The officers spoke of local book drives and toy drives held around
Christmas time as well. The event ran smoothly with participants of all
ages helping in the decorating and packaging of cookies. Multiple
participants stated they had a wonderful time and looked forward to the next
Young Women's event.
Resources for Young Women in Mission can be found here:
Follow Young Women in Mission on Facebook