Oklahoma City Zone

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The Oklahoma City Zone Fall Fest was held on Oct 2, 2021 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Edmond, OK from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. We held a half day program, but accomplished both parts of the Bible Study with 9 Bible Study Leaders.

The Oklahoma City Zone Fall Fest was held on Oct 2, 2021 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Edmond, OK from 8:00 a.m.  – 12:30 p.m.  We held a half day program, but accomplished both parts of the Bible Study with 9 Bible Study Leaders.Gifts from the Heart were collected for two organizations: $190.00 was collected for Oklahoma City Zone Lutheran Schools to help with updating/repairing school computers.  526 pieces of clothing was collected for the Oklahoma City Homeless Alliance.Our mission speakers were LaRhonda Richards and Samantha McClanahan. They spoke about the positive impact our LWML Oklahoma District Grant, “Tablet Technology for St. John’s, Moore, OK” have made for the students and the school.